Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

WIA-E Bremen and Helia Sharif talk about Android-based Thermal Monitoring of Spinach (ANTHEMS)

Dear all,

we are glad to organize a talk with Helia, one of the WIA-E grant winner 2017.

Helia Sharif holds a B.A. Sc. in Systems Engineering from Simon Fraser University and a M. A. Sc. in Aerospace Engineering from Carleton University in Canada. Additionally, she has completed the Space Studies Program at the International Space University in Austria.

Her passion for space and robotics has lead her to pursue a number of exciting and unique opportunities ranging from camping in the Arctic while working for NASA, to developing image processing algorithm at the Advanced Concepts Team in the European Space Agency. She will tell us  the  last adventure  of the Parabolic Flight performing the experiment ANTHEMS

  • When: February 28, 2018 at 17:00 (until 19:00)
  • Where: WTC, Hermann Köhl Str. 7 Bremen

We have reserved a  private room in the “Die Astronautin” head quarter, therefore few places are available.

If you would like to participate, please register before 21st February by sending an email to us.

Your WIA-E Bremen Organization Team

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