Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

Leadership Opportunities for Women in Aerospace

Come to w WIA Europe Paris get together on July 8th at 19h00 at the brasserie “Le Flore en L’ile”, 42 Quai Orléans, Ile Saint Louis, Paris 4ème.

Our special guest will be Isabelle Duvaux-Bechon, Head of Future Preparation & Strategic Studies Office at European Space Agency (ESA) in charge of: General Studies Programme, Advanced Concepts Team and Coordination of the “Space for Earth” transverse actions across ESA. She has a long and brilliant career and will share with us her experience on women opportunities for leadership in aerospace.

Isabelle is an engineer from Ecole Centrale Paris, with a specialization in Air & Space Engineering. Auditor of “Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale” (IHEDN), she had varied professional experience: 4 years in industry (telecom and microgravity programmes), then nearly 26 years working at ESA in many areas: from microgravity experiments to International Space Station programme; from budget to education projects and finance studies. Isabelle is also Reserve Officer in the French Navy.

This event, open to WIA-E members and non members, will be also a good opportunity to exchange ideas and proposals for future activities.

RSVP by 5 July: fcoliolo@exoworld.net

Le Flore en L’ile, 42 Quai Orléans, Ile Saint Louis, Paris 4ème; Metro: Pont Marie (line 7), St Paul (Line 1), Maubert-Mutualité (Line 10);  Parking: Pont Marie

If you are not member of WIA-E and you would like to join the association, please visit: http://wia-europe.org/join

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