Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

SAVE THE DATE: Brussels group get together (new formula)

Brussels group get together
Thursday, 11 September 2014 at 18.30


After the summer break we will meet again with a new formula of our get together. Our regular meetings will be opened by a short presentation by one of our members on a specific subject, followed by a Q&A session and ended with our classic networking apero.

On 11 September former Belgian Senator Dominique Tilmans will present the latest development of the project “Platform for a better interaction between universities and space industries”.

The event will be also the occasion to present you a new cooperation idea, developed in the latest months, with the association IAWA – International Aviation Womens Association – and a joint event planned for autumn 2014.

We wish all of you good summer holidays,
Looking forward to seeing you in September,

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