Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

Plenary session at IAC, Oct. 2nd, 13h30 to 14h30

Global societal challenge as the key driver for space activities: the imperative for a new way to engage stakeholders


This Plenary will provide an opportunity for experts from space agencies, associations, academia and industry for an interactive dialogue with the audience on how and how effective the international space community is engaging with stakeholders. It will address how strategic analysis could lead to strategic actions that are tailored to societal realities. The panel seeks to bring together perspectives on the inspirational potential of space, on innovation capability and demand-driven impact.

Organized by:

Wia-Europe, Canadian Space Agency and the German Aerospace Center DLR


  • Johann-Dietrich Woerner
    Chairman Executive Board, German Aerospace Center, DLR


  • Simonetta di Pippo
    Director, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
    President, Women in Aerospace Europe
  • Pascale Ehrenfreund
    Professor, George Wahington University
  • Susan Chodakewitz
    President, Tetra Tech AMT
    Chair, Women in Aerospace
  • Chiaki Mukai
    Astronaut, JAXA
  • Colleen D’iorio
    Director General, Programs and Integrated Planning, Canadian Space Agency

The location will be: Hall F, Floor 800

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