Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

Newsletter 2015/5

Dear colleagues,

2015 is coming slowly to an end and it was a year full of successes, outstanding achievements, but also some sad news. WIA-Europe has made a major step ahead in developing into a globally acknowledged space advocacy organization focusing on its vision of a world where we can collaboratively create an aerospace sector with an inclusive representation. WIA-Europe aspires to be an active ambassador for aerospace. In this context, WIA-Europe acts as an independent network that advocates political commitment in space programmes, promotes professional development in aerospace and recognizes women’s achievements in the sector. WIA-Europe welcomes the diverse talent that is key to the growth of a modern and dynamic aerospace sector in Europe and beyond. Unfortunately, 2015 brought us to witness a great woman, a passionate space expert, an outstanding WIA-Europe Director and a friend of all of us, Andrea Boese, loosing her final battle with her illness. She will always be in our hearts and we will dedicate our efforts for a better world to her constantly.

Read our latest Newsletter here.

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