Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

Call for WIA-Europe 2016 Student and Young Professional Awards – Deadline Extended!

WIA-Europe is pleased to announce that the Deadline for Applications for its 2016 Student and Young Professional Awards has been Extended  till 19 February 2016.

WIA-Europe would like to recognise the achievements of outstanding individuals in aerospace and upcoming talents – young professionals and students alike – and for this we set up our awards programme.

The WIA-Europe Student & Young Professional Award is €1,000 and is open to individuals aged 21 to 35 who are registered as a full time student at a European university or as a young professional in the aerospace sector in Europe. Candidates may have a non-European nationality. Applicants must be members of WIA-Europe.

The award is presented to the student or young professional who writes the best essay of no more than 1,000 words that discusses:

The relevance of studying and working in the aerospace sector and their view on their future role in this field;
What the candidate intends to do with the prize money and the experience to be gained through it, including efforts to share what has been learned .

Awards will be given at the 2016 Award Ceremony which will be held at the WIA-Europe Breakfast during the IAF spring meetings in Paris onn 22 March 2016.

Candidates should submit:

A completed, signed application form WIA_E_SYP_Award_Form_2016
A reference letter from a current professor or employer
A copy of a valid passport or other official identification document
An essay of maximum 1,000 words, in accordance with the guidelines provided
An extended curriculum vitae

Six months after receiving the award, the winner must provide a brief report outlining how the prize money has helped her to advance his or her career/studies.

Please send your application material before 19 February 2016,15:00 CET (Paris time) to WIA-Europe by email at executive.director@wia-europe.org (Subject line: APPLICANT’s LAST NAME Applicant’s First Name-2016 S&YP Award Application).

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