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WIA-E Rome invites to Conference about the evolution of the Italian Space economy

Dear all,

we’re pleased to invite you to to the Conference “50 Years of Italy: from San Marco to the Space Economy”, hosted by the CRAS Sapienza (Center of  Aerospace research of Sapienza University).

The conference will be held at the Engeneering Department of Sapienza University on Wendesday 26th of April 2017.

Fifty years ago, on 26 of April 1967, the launch of San Marco satellite from Italian’s spaceport of Malindi made Italy the third Country in the world, after the Soviet Union and the United States, to put a satellite into orbit around the Earth.

The Conference will be not a commemorative event, but it would like to provide a great visibility to the  progress of science  and industries accomplished in these 50 years and how Italy is a leading nation in several european activities (Launchers, Satellites and Satellite Applications). Economic growth and Space Economy will be the main topics.

Roberto Battiston, President of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) and several CEOs of space industries and associations (Thales Alenia Space, Telespazio, Leonardo, Avio, AIAD) already confirmed their attendance.

Here’s the agenda.

Where and when:

  • Mercoledì 26 aprile 2017
  • Facoltà di Ingegneria Civile e Industriale
  • Via Eudossiana, n. 18 – Roma
  • Aula del Chiostro, h. 10:45-14:15


  • 10.45 – 11.10

Academic welcoming

Eugenio Gaudio – Rector of La Sapienza, University of Rome


Marcello Onofri – Director of the Aerospace Research Center of La Sapienza

  • 11.10 – 11:40

“We have all the green lights”: speech and pictures of the main actors of the construction base in Malindi
Alessandra e Fabrizia Buongiorno, Enrico Ferrone, Andrea Quintilli

  • 11.40 – 12.00

From the Malindi base to the current Italian Space projects
Roberto Battiston – President of the Italian Space Agency (ASI)

  • 12.00 – 12.20

26 Aprile 1967: the epic endeavour of brave pioneers
Luigi Del Bene – General of Planning Department for Aerospace, Italian Chief of Defence Staff
Tim Tawney – NASA representative in Europe

  • 12.20 – 13.30

Round table: “From pioneers to the current international programs”
Speeches of the CEOs of the main Italian Space companies/industries
Donato Amoroso – Thales Alenia Space Italia
Antonio Bartoloni – MISE Industrial Political Direction
Roberto Aceti – O.H.B. Italia
Massimo Comparini – e-Geos
Serafino D’Angelantonio – Airbus Defence&Space Italy
Marco Mancini – Director of MIUR University and Research
Luigi Pasquali – Telespazio
Paolo Puri – PRS Authority, Presidency of the Council of Ministers
Giulio Ranzo – Avio
Silvio Rossignoli – Aerosekur
Paolo Solferino – Vitrociset
Nicola Zaccheo – Sitael

Round table conclusions
Antonio Bartoloni – MISE Industrial Political Direction
Valeria Fedeli (tbc) – MIUR Minister

  • 13.30 – 14.00

“Tethers in Space, the fascinating technology of the first italian manned mission 25 years ago”
Meeting with Franco Malerba – First Italian austronaut in Space

  • 14.00 – 14.15

End of the event and lunch of the attendees

See attached the flyer and the brochure of the event.


Best regards,
WIA-E Rome Local Group

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