Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

WIA-E & IAF IDEA breakfast at IAC 2017

Reducing Diversity Gaps – Inducing Space Environment Dynamic with Benefits for a Country´s Economy, Education, Strategy and Sovereignty” will take place on Wednesday 27 September from 14:30 to 15:30 in HALL C at the Adelaide Convention Center.


Description of the event

Diversity goes beyond ethnicity and includes also gender, age and multidisciplinarity.

“Unlocking imagination, fostering innovation and strengthening security” for the space sector are major demands to inspire our generation and the ones to come through the multitude of diverse perspectives.

The space sector is a truly global work area and has rapidly grown in the last decades whilst facing many challenges: settled space actors have been forced to keep up with commercial competition especially from the USA and with emerging space powers such as India and China. In the coming decades strengthened international cooperation will be a key to increase space business and to ensure the peaceful use of outer space.

A manifold of perspectives and ideas created through different disciplines, ages and cultures is one step for success. Ensuring diversity at all levels of responsibility is another important step for success. Both steps are intertwined and need to be further developed joining competencies and cultures. Therefore, it is timely to give space to diversity.

The aim of the panel is to create awareness for diversity as a success factor for the vitalization of the space sector and the benefits for economy, education, strategy and sovereignty.

The moderated discussion will focus especially on issues of diversity in the following areas:

  • global cooperation for high demanding issues like environment safeguard, exploration, security etc.
  • space economy developed and implemented via multidisciplinary approaches e.g. by joint work of space actors and non-space actors (New Space Economy etc.)
  • economic benefits by reducing gender gap at all levels, especially at decision levels
  • conjugate the age gap and new space dynamics for more innovative and disruptive approaches

Names, Titles and affiliation of speakers

  1. Simonetta di Pippo, Director UNOOSA
  2. Susmita Mohanty, CEO and Co-founder of Earth2Orbit
  3. Jean-Yves Le Gall, President of IAF and CNES
  4. Naomi Mathers, Deputy Chair and Director of the Space Industry Association of Australia
  5. Mary Snitch (Moderator), Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company in her capacity as IAF Vice President Global Membership Development and Diversity Initiatives

Here the flyer and below the photos of the speakers:

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