Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

WIA-E Leiden invites to movie night: “Hidden Figures”

Movie night

“Hidden Figures”

Thursday, 25 January 2018


A true story about three strong and ambitious African-American women, who during the Apollo era played an important role in making the first manned landing on the Moon a reality. Join us in unravelling this amazing tale about a mission you are all familiar with seen from an unfamiliar perspective.

NVR offers the possibility to join for pizza, before the movie will start. This needs to be reserved upfront because of the pizza order. If you want to join for pizza, you are expected at 18h00 at the below mentioned address. The costs are € 5 for pizza, to be paid at the registration desk.

The movie will start around 19h. After the movie, drinks will be served.

Below you will find the exact programme, including the presentation of Women in Aerospace Europe.

  • 18:00 Welcome and pizza
  • 18:40 Presentation of WIA-Europe
  • 19:00 Movie ‘Hidden Figures’
  • 21:30 Drinks


Register before January 22nd by clicking on the link above or by sending an e-mail to Richelle Scheffers via secretariaat@ruimtevaart-nvr.nl.

Please indicate if you would like to join for pizza.

NVR/WIA-Europe members: Free
Guests: € 5,00*

* Payment information will follow after registration.

Note: Please park your car on the roof of the building. Parking on the road in front of the building is not allowed!
The event policy is applicable to this event



  • T-Minus Engineering
  • YES!Delft
  • Molengraaffsingel 12
  • 2629 JD  Delft
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