Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

WIA-E Bremen invites to workshop with CV review and tips from a senior recruiter!

Dear WIA-E members,

your Curriculum Vitae (CV) is your first steps into pursuing your dream job. The CV represents a summary of your experience and abilities, but it should highlight your strongest assets and differentiate you from other candidates or simply underline your peculiar skills.

A  well-presented and  well-organized CV  will  grab  the  reader’s  attention  and make them want to find out more about you. Are you looking for advice, suggestions on your CV and discuss some aspects on how to present yourself at an interview?

We are very glad to announce unique opportunity for the WIA-E Bremen members with the kind support of HE Space Operations, Senior Recruiter Elisa Manfreda.

A limited number of CV can be analyzed by Elisa and later on, one-to-one session (about 20 minutes) will be organized for personal talks with her on the improvement areas.

If you are really interested in catching this special opportunity, please send your CV via mail to emanfreda@hespace.com; specifying the following object: “WIA-E Bremen CV workshop” by 29.03.2018 (first come, first served). Please be assured that the personal data and information shared with your CV will be used only and exclusively for the purposes of this workshop.

Starting from middle of April, the one-to-one sessions will be organized accordingly.

The application is valid ONLY for WIA-E Bremen Member

Best Regards,

WIA-E Bremen coordinator

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