Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

WIA-Europe invites to Uncoscious Bias training

Dear WIA-E members

we are pleased to invite you to the WIA-E designed and organised training on Unconscious Bias, which will be held for WIA-E LG leaders and Corporate PoC.

Led by the experienced coaches Clare McNamara of Move Ahead Global and Francine Brooks of Engage People Development Ltd., the training will allow you to implement specific measures to reduce the impact of Unconscious Biases on yourself and on others. It will also enable you to implement and share the training content with the Local Group or Corporate team members at your location. Furthermore, it is a great opportunity to network with WIA-Europe Local Group Leaders and Co-leaders as well as with other Contact Points of our Corporate Members.

The Unconscious Bias Training will be held in Leiden (The Netherlands) on March 15th in the time range between 9:00 and 16:00.

Confirmation Deadline: January 25th. Please confirm your attendance at https://doodle.com/poll/7nq4ft8nkydk7dpe

Workshop style and supporting materials

An interactive, experiential coaching style of workshop building on attendees’ current knowledge and experience. We aim to enhance skills using up to date thinking, discussion, shared best practice and exercises to reinforce learning. Working alone, in small groups or pairs with plenary sessions to feedback to the whole group, each section of the workshop contains discussion, feedback and a supporting exercise. The exercises, conducted in a relaxed and non-performance manner, are an opportunity to combine skills and learning from the training in a practical activity.
Workbooks and supporting materials provide all content and interactive elements that are used to capture and reinforce learning points throughout the workshop.


• Explain the concept of unconscious bias and the relationship with implicit association, discriminatory attitudes and stereotyping
• Explore personal and team experience
• Investigate how to identify and manage bias in self and others
• Identify the impact of priming, perception, micro inequity and social influence
• Create a case for change, and steps that can be implemented with the team
• Provide tips and techniques to implement and share with local groups and team
• Network with other Contact Points of WIA-Europe Corporate Members and with Local Group Leaders of WIA-Europe.

Expected outcomes for participants

• Understand unconscious bias and the impact on performance
• Explore personal levels of unconscious bias and how perceptions influence behaviour
• Recognise the impact of bias on decision making and influencing skills
• Address and manage the consequence of bias in others
• Develop ideas and learn tips and techniques to manage unconscious bias
• Be able to disseminate information and learning to teams and to local groups

Outline Content

1. Pre-workshop questionnaire to investigate personal level and experience of unconscious bias
2. Concept of bias and impact on behaviour
3. Identifying and managing bias in self and others
4. Tips and techniques
5. Unconscious bias in recruitment
6. Explore and plan for positive change
7. Tool kit and guide for local delivery
8. Post-workshop learning implementation follow-up

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