Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

Meet the Community: Confined Coffee

Meet another WIA-E member for a virtual one-on-one chat. Expand your networks and nominate the next member.

The Local Group leaders started the confined coffee activity with the aim to connect members from across WIA-E. If you are interested in meeting someone new, contact your local group (emails can be found on the local group pages here: WIA-E LG Groups). As soon as the local group leaders receive two requests, they create a new connection.

You will be put in touch by email so that you can arrange your virtual coffee when it is convenient to you and using your favourite video tool. Before leaving the chat, both participants propose to each other another contact from their respective networks for the next meeting.

“We used the 30 min to understand how each was participating in the big picture of our companies; our priorities to evolve in mid term future, and view of WIA-E”, shares her experience Veronique Glaude, leader of the WIA-E local group in Geneva. And there are many other topics that are being discussed: biggest challenges and possible solutions, leadership, mentoring, further education, as well as further networking opportunities.

Many participants continue their conversation past the initial meeting.
We are looking forward to hearing from you!

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