Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

Webinars for kids and young students

Please join us for this new online event, sponsored by the Italian US Embassy in collaboration with the Italian Space Agency.


Webinar: From Home to Space

18 June, 15:00 CET



NASA Astronaut

Tracy Caldwell Dyson was selected as an astronaut by NASA in 1998. The California native has a Ph.D. in Chemistry, and is a veteran of two space flights. Dr. Caldwell Dyson has designed, constructed and implemented electronics and hardware associated with for the study of atmospheric gas phase chemistry, and has developed and presented numerous papers on methods of chemical ionization for the spectral interpretation of trace compounds. In 2007, Caldwell Dyson flew aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavor on STS-118, where she served as a Mission Specialist. In 2010, she served as Flight Engineer for Expedition 23/24. She has logged more than 188 days in space, including over 22 hours in three spacewalks.

To participate

connect to https://ambasciatausa.it/FromHomeToSpace/

The program is interactive and will be held in Italian.

Using the Q&A function you’ll be able to send questions to the host, who is going to reply live.

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