Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

Anna Ruiz, WIA-E Barcelona

Anna Ruiz, Co-Leader of the WIA-Europe Barcelona Local Group

“Nothing is impossible if you keep trying” – Here you can find out a little about Anna, Aeronautical Navigation and Surveillance Systems Engineer & Co-Leader WIA-E Barcelona.

I am 23 years old, an aerospace systems engineer specialized in air navigation and currently studying a course in science communication.

I am responsible, organized and a leader. I like to be part of and work as a team. I am proactive, as you can see from my personal projects, I believe that communication is the basis of society and human relations. For this reason, I started to study science communication, to transmit what I am working on and also my personal values.

I believe that to achieve challenges you need effort and patience, everybody can reach whatever he or she proposes. I like to bring out the best in people and make the world a better place.

I consider family, perseverance, effort, and motivation as ones of the most important values. I’m always looking for challenges to help and contribute to a more sustainable and equitable society.

On behalf of that, I’m involved in some projects to make women visible and I am also helping in a project to make aviation more disability friendly.

What am I working on?

Currently I am working in a project that consists of designing and using a constellation of nanosatellites for aircraft surveillance. In these small satellites, a payload of a surveillance system called ADS-B is integrated and provides real-time coverage of the whole world. In this way, in remote areas such as the oceans, surveillance and control are improved. This allows to optimize air routes, reduce fuel emissions and increase safety.

I am at the beginning of my professional career and I want to continue growing in a professional and personal way, and above all to be able to live and make the most of my life’s journey.

You can get in touch with Anna at WIA-E Barcelona.


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