Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

White Paper: Women in the C-Suite

Women in the C-Suite

Given the exponential growth forecasted in the space industry driven by the expansion in satellite constellations, small satellites start-ups, moon exploration, space mining [etc.], our WIA working group was curious to know why there were still so few women sitting in the C-Suite in the European Space sector.

The underrepresentation of women at senior levels has been a topic of work in HR departments for the past 20 years. We wanted to know what is really happening and what is standing in the way of greater progress, like the impact of the “leaky pipeline” and the persistent biases that slow progress down and consume so much of our energy.

To move forward, we agreed that the best strategy was a systemic approach at all levels.

Based on insights gained from latest research and interviews with top leaders, we explore how governments can contribute to accelerating this progress. We also discuss six strategies for organisations that want to develop and retain their top female talent, and we share seven ways that women can set themselves up for success as they rise up the ranks.


Find out:

  • What are the four key obstacles that inhibit more women from rising to the top?
  • Why do businesses experience difficulties retaining female staff?
  • What are the six main strategies for the key stakeholders to future-proof the pipeline to the C-Suite?
  • Which seven actions can women take to set themselves up for success?
The White Paper “Visibility Of Female STEM Experts In Media and Public Debates” contains recommendations on further initiatives to be implemented by a WIA-Europe Working Group. All WIA-Europe members are invited to join the Working Groups and contribute with their experience and expertise.

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Working Group

Silvia Bianchi / Anne-Laure Bonnier / Véronique Glaude / Gabriella Goddard / Shima Suresh
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