Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

Join Women in Aerospace Europe

Women working in aerospace in Europe now have their own organisation dedicated to expanding women’s opportunities for leadership and increasing their visibility in the aerospace community, by creating a network in Europe and across the globe.

Women In Aerospace Europe is steadily growing and would like to invite you to join. Our membership, consisting of both women and men, share an interest in a broad spectrum of aerospace issues, including human space flight, aviation, remote sensing, satellite communications, robotic space exploration, commercial space, space tourism, and the policy issues surrounding these fields.

The goals of WIA Europe are to:

  • Be a networking platform for women in leading positions in Aerospace or other technological areas.
  • Foster and promote the interests of women working in aerospace.
  • Promote and improve the access of females to technical areas and the space sector.
  • Advance aerospace education in schools and universities
  • Advocate the further investment in space projects in the political environment.
  • Cooperate for the improvement and stabilization of the position of women in the aerospace profession.
  • Be an ambassador for Space in Society, Culture and Philosophy.


WIA Europe was initiated by Simonetta di Pippo (ESA Director of Human Spaceflight), who serves as president of the organisation and Claudia Kessler(CEO of HE Space Operations) who is the Chair of the Board.

If you’re interested in becoming a member of WIA-Europe, have a look around our website to see what benefits you can gain from membership.

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