Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

Launch Event of the WIA-E Paris Chapter




Moderator: Jean-François Clervoy, ESA astronaut


18h30 Doors open

18h45 Welcome & Introduction, J.F. Clervoy, ESA Astronaut


18h50 WIA-Europe: the Paris chapter, S. di Pippo, President of WIA-E

19h00 Fly me to the Moon, piano accompaniment, S. Cohen


19h05 Flying in Space, J.F. Clervoy, ESA astronaut

19h15 Space Women, S. di Pippo, President of WIA-E


19h25 A Geologist in Space, F. Westall, Astrobiologist, Director of Research, CNRS

19h35 Space as an Artistic Medium, R. Clar, Space Artist


19h50 Questions & Answers

20h15 WIA-E Paris: next step, F. Coliolo, WIA-E Paris Coordinator


20h20 “Saturne”, piano accompaniment, S. Cohen

20h25 Launch of the WIA-E Paris Chapter, S. di Pippo, President of WIA-E


20h30 Cocktail & Networking

Piano accompaniment: Sylvie Cohen


Organised by Fiorella Coliolo – WIA-E Paris Local Group Coordinator

Espace des Femmes – 35, rue Jacob, 75006 Paris M° Saint-Germain-des-Prés



Kindly RSVP by May 22nd to fcoliolo@exoworld.net

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