Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

Women in Aerospace-Europe Breakfast and Networking Event in London

Around 20 earlybirds turned out for the EPSC 2013 Women in Aerospace (WIA)-Europe Breakfast, sponsored by Astrium.  Over coffee, croissants and bacon rolls, participants had a chance to network and find out about WIA-Europe.

Lisa Peacocke welcomed participants on behalf of Astrium, which is a Corporate Member of WIA-Europe. Frances Westall, of CNRS, spoke of the importance of networks like WIA-Europe in providing support and mentoring for women and offered advice – ‘be stubborn!’ – to those present.  Fiorella Coliolo, Membership Director for WIA-Europe and Anita Heward, Press and Outreach Officer for Europlanet, expressed the intention of the two organsisations to build a close collaboration into the future.  Jean-Luc Josset highlighted the importance to the whole planetary research community of retaining the skills and knowledge of women at senior levels in both academia and engineering.

More info and photos here.

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