Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

Aerospace women’s day – Inspire to grow

During the day two speakers will give a lecture after which you can pick two out of four workshops in the afternoon.


13:30 Welcome
13:45 Hester Bijl – Dean of faculty of Aerospace Engineering
14:15 Luisella Giulicchi – ESA Spacecraft Engineer
15:00 Workshops – Saskia Slotboom (Kivi Niria), Sietske Hoving (Dare 2 Move)
16:15 Workshops – Janny Budding (Xpand), Karina Specht (HE Space)

17:30 Drink


TU Delft Faculty of Aerospace Engineering


The whole day is free of any cost for students as well as professionals and therefore gives you the perfect opportunity to meet women in technology. If you want to attend send an email to vsv@tudelft.nl to subscribe before 13 November.

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