Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

WIA-E Toulouse invites to Coaching evening

WIA Toulouse organised a coaching event gathering around 40 women around 4 themes that resonate in
our professional lives.

  • Workshop “Assertiveness, a win-win attitude”, with Karine Siegler
  • “Pimp up my Pitch” workshop: You want to carry a project or know how to present yourself effectively in two minutes flat … How to arouse interest and stand out? With Carole Gendre.
  • “Co-development” workshop: If something “tickles you”, if you have a project, if you have questions and want to take a step back, or simply if you want to discover a magnificent collective intelligence tool, come and experience a co-development session! With Nathalie Lulin.
  • Workshop “Prevent burnout and stay energized”, with Sophie Poiri.

This was also the opportunity for our partner Toulouse Business School, to present the the TBS Equal-ID program, acting for gender equality in business and combating gender stereotypes, which affect women
as much as men.

The evening concluded around a cocktail, to enable the discussions to continue in an informal setting.

WIA-E Toulouse Team

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