Since I can remember, I was fascinated by understanding how things work. Once for Christmas I asked for a microscope, but a somewhat scatter-brained Santa Claus brought me a telescope. “Well, this would also do” I thought. Now, about 40 years later, I own a degree in physics, a post degree in space remote sensing technologies, a PhD in meteorology, and I am thinking on taking a second degree in geology.
I work as consultant for satellite Earth Observation data and applications, helping my clients to understand which could be for them the best application based on space remote sensing. I am passionate in the elaborated procedures of SAR data processing and interpretation, and at the present time I collaborate as SAR product manager with a company specialized in detection and monitoring of environmental crimes and damages. I am also involved in a project on the reforestation of Europe: LifeTerra, which aims to bring people together to plant 500 million trees in 5 years. As co-leader of WIA-E Bremen, I am seeking to organize a big planting event for all WIA-E Local Groups, to happen during the same weekend all around Europe. Stay tuned!
Since last year, I facilitate the WIA-Bremen Book Club. We compiled a list of titles (mainly Sci-Fi) wrote by female authors from all around the world. So, please, contact me if you are interested in expanding your bookshelf with some more ethnicity and gender diversity.
As freelancer, wife, mum, expat, and enthusiastic generator of ideas, I often struggle with some mental load. In an effort to keep it below guard levels, I developed some techniques, that I discuss in my brand-new blog on productivity methods and journaling. Pass by and leave a thought!