Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

Successful launch of WIA-E Madrid

WIA-E Madrid was officially launched on 15th April 2021 with an online event with more than 100 attendees. The event was moderated by Diana Pueyo, WIA-E Regional Development, and we enjoyed a presentation from Luisella Giulicchi, WIA-E president, who gave a warm welcome and best wishes to WIA-E Madrid local group.

The motivation of the creation of the group, the Madrid aerospace ecosystem, and the working lines and coming activities were presented by Rocio García and Eva Ramírez, leader and co-leader of the local group.

After the group general overview, we had the pleasure of discussing many interesting aspects of the benefits of current aerospace technology with three experts. Carmen Aguilera, Head of Market Development at European GNSS Agency, shared with us the benefits of Galileo Positioning System and the added value it confers to positioning techniques. Jose Antonio Sobrino, Professor at the University of Valencia, brought us the European Earth Observation Program Copernicus and how it is used to monitor global warming and the assistance in disasters surveillance. Finally, Irene Rivera, Head of Helicopters Patrol at Spanish General Directorate of Traffic, explained how she benefits from GNSS position techniques and drones for traffic monitoring in her daily work.

The event finished with a networking session among the participants, who shared with WIA-E Madrid members their interests and concerns.

If you missed the event, you can catch part I and part II on YouTube.

WIA-E Madrid is plenty of initiatives and looking forward to new members for the team! Join WIA-E Madrid here.


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