Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

Kicking Off To Space: Launching WIA-E Switzerland

WIA Europe is glad to announce the launch of the new Switzerland Local Group and to invite you to the first virtual event on Tuesday, June 29, 2021 18:30 PM – 19:30 PM.

We are honoured to have CLAUDIE Haigneré with us, one of the first European women in Space and we are proud to present you a virtual round table, with talented aerospace professionals who will address the following topics:

  • DIANA Pueyo, WIA-Europe Board member as Director of Regional Development – Introduction of WIA-E
  • ELISABETTA Rugi Grond, Thales Alenia Space Schweiz – Space Industry in Switzerland
  • OLYMPIA Kyriopoulos, OLYMPIASPACE – Commercial Spaceflight
  • VERONIQUE Glaude & CESSY Karina, International Telecommunication Union – International Space Policy

We plan to continue interactive discussions in various breakout sessions and to finally re-join in the big round for final networking, feedback and most importantly topics of interest for our future WIA-E CH events.

We look forward to having you join us!

Find out more and sign up here.

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