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WIA-Europe launches new Start-Up Membership programme

During the IAC 2022 in Paris, WIA-Europe presented its new Start-up membership programme. A Start-up membership enables small and emerging businesses to join the association at an affordable annual rate, giving them the opportunity to make meaningful connections, and increase the visibility and support for their activities across the WIA-Europe network.

The programme was introduced by LG Luxembourg leader Sabrina Alam as deputy to WIA-Europe Director of Corporate and Partnerships.



To qualify for the WIA-Europe Start-Up membership, your business needs to meet one of these definitions:

  • A tiny business or micro-business is a business which the workforce has less than 10 workers, and which either the annual turnover does not exceed 2,000,000 or the total of the annual balance sheet does not exceed 2,000,000 €.
  • A small business is a business which: the workforce has at least 10 workers and less than 50 workers; and either the annual turnover does not exceed 10,000,000 €, or the total of the annual balance sheet does not exceed 10,000,000 €.


Sabrina Alam launching the WIA-Europe StartUp programme

Specific benefits of the Start-up membership include:

  • 20% workforce free membership per year + 1
  • €25 discount for other members
  • Advertise roles on WIA-Europe website
  • Logo on website
  • Access to corporate newsletter
  • Included access at WIA-Europe events on a regional and international scale
  • Access to WIA-Europe expertise and consultation services (trainings, workshops, advisory expertise)



For more questions and to register, get in touch>>

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