Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

At a glance: WIA-Europe UK at the Made for Space Conference Dinner

Members of WIA-E UK were kindly invited by Ann Swift, Space Sector Development Manager, of The Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) to a dinner the night before The Made for Space Conference held by MTC and Satellite Applications Catapult.

It was fantastic to meet again in person and enjoy great food and stimulating conversation. We were so busy meeting new members and catching up with old friends, that we forgot to take a photo!

What a superb way to start the two-day conference which proved to be a great opportunity for further discussions along the key themes of

  • To sustainable supply chains and beyond
  • Out of this world
  • Making space
  • Back to the future

WIA UK members were on panels ranging from ‘How supply chains are being built in the UK to support the sector’ (including the skills required of the workforce) to ‘Microgravity – a commercial cross sectoral opportunity’.

As well as thought-provoking and entertaining speakers across the two days, members could also take part in a tour of the MTC facilities. It really was the event for exploring opportunities and possibilities for manufacturing within the global space sector.

MTC also launched their <<space-related training courses>> designed to help both businesses and individuals upskill in the latest industrial technology, making sure you stay ahead of the curve in this competitive and exciting sector.

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