Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

WIA-Europe Toulouse: How to enhance your professional image?

In front of a customer, a supplier or even an employee, it is necessary to provide a positive message and non-verbal communication plays a decisive role. The image we show is a tool of communication but still we must master it well! Professional image consulting allows you to make your image a real business card.

You will learn how to enhance your assets, whether to prepare an interview, boost your professional career or strengthen the brand image of your company.

WIA-E Toulouse invites you to attend this new workshop “How to enhance your professional image?”on Thursday October 5, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. at Airbus Defence and Space (playlab location), in Toulouse.

A cocktail reception will be served following the workshop. Register quickly, places are limited!

The activities offered during this friendly workshop are:

  • Colorimetry (4 people max): Thanks to the colorimetry test, we will determine which colours highlight you the most, while respecting who you are naturally. You will leave with a custom colour chart
  • Silhouette Morphology (4 people max): The morpho silhouette workshop allows one to recognize its morphology to better value it, define the appropriate clothing cuts and rebalance the proportions. You will leave with your morphology of the silhouette
  • Visage Morphology (4 people max): By identifying the shape of your face, we can determine the strengths to sublimate it (hairstyle, glasses, eyebrows, necklines, jewellery, accessories, etc.). You will leave with your facial morphology.

Who is the speaker?

Originally from Toulouse, Marion Theuzillot worked in Marketing and Communication in the aerospace field for more than 15 years. Human relations have always been at the heart of her motivations, she decided to launch the image consulting agency Look Me Up Conseil after a certification training at Coach’n Look Paris in 2020. Today, she supports individuals and professionals to transmit this energy and passion.

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