Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

WIA-E Bremen invites to Valentina’s Night plan & SpargelEssen

Dear WIA-E members,

in order to organize the Valentina’s Night on the June 16, 2017 and  the participation to the Ladies’ Marathon in Bremen, we would like to invite you to a dinner event. We have reserved a table at Grollander Krug to take a chance to taste the famous German Asparagus as well!

Join us in this tasty and brainstorming event!

  • When:    Friday May 19, 2017 at 19:00.
  • Where:  Grollander Krug: Emslandstraße 30 D-28259 Bremen (tram 1 and 8 stop next door). More info: http://www.hotel-robben.de

The event  has a limited number of places, then If you would like to participate, please register before May 15 by sending an email to us.

Your WIA-E Bremen Organization Team

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