Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

WIA-Europe Week: Smart Working


Working smarter, not harder in the Space Industry

Over the past two years, traditional working models have had to adapt to overcome the challenges of the pandemic. As workers are now beginning to transition back into the office, there is a shift towards adopting remote working policies in combination with the traditional working model full time to create a new way of smart working. There is now a greater focus on helping workers to achieve a better work/life balance and enabling them to have greater autonomy in their role.

In order to investigate how the Space industry has adapted its working practises and to review the lessons learned, we invited participants from the agencies and private entities in Europe to share their experiences and suggestions to help determine what should be the best practises in the future.

During this event, the results of this survey will be presented and a discussion with a guest speaker from the commercial space industry will follow, to provide their insights on best practices to implement smart working going forward and the challenges associated with it.

We will be joined by Lucia Sardo, Satellite Operations Manager at Inmarsat.

This event will be interesting to industry stakeholders such as line managers, HR personnel etc as well as anyone interested in working more smartly!

Register >>HERE

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