Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth


Board Memeber Bérengère Houdou speaks at the European Parliament at an event organised by EUROPLANET

On February 27th, WIA Europe Board Member Bérengère Houdou, spoke at a dinner debate organised by Europlanet in the European Parliament. Member of the European Parliament Britta Thomsen hosted the event and led animated discussions focused on women in planetary research and exploration. To find out more about the event click here. More information avilable also here.          

Board Memeber Bérengère Houdou speaks at the European Parliament at an event organised by EUROPLANET Read More »

First grant winner of 2013

    Pamela Anderson is a very brilliant and motivated student in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering who is concluding a PhD on “Orbital Dynamics of Advanced Planetary Observation Systems” in the Advanced Space Concepts Laboratory at the University of Strathclyde. Her abstract titled Novel Orbits of Mercury and Venus Enabled using Low-Thrust Propulsion has been

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New Corporate Member Secure World Foundation

We are proud to welcome the Secure World Foundation as our newest corporate member! Secure World Foundation envisions the secure, sustainable and peaceful uses of outer space contributing to global stability on Earth. SWF works with governments, industry, international organisations and civil society to develop and promote ideas and actions for international collaboration that achieve the secure,

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New website launched

As you may have noticed, WIA Europe is sporting a new look. A switch to a more modern aesthetic was long overdue, but the improvements go beyond skin deep. All systems go The idea was a simple, functional design that would be quick and easy for members to navigate, get informed and get involved. Not only are all

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