Reports & Datasets
Women in the UK Space Sector (Space Skills Alliance, 2021)
This report is the third in a series analysing the results of the 2020 Space Census. It presents a deep dive into the demographics and experiences of women in the UK space workforce.
ASD Eurospace Facts and Figures (Eurospace, 2020)
Our goal is to support transparent and stable market metrics and analytics, enabling well-informed policy making and good sector benchmarking at international and European levels.
Aerospace Engineer Demographics and Statistics In The US (Zippia, 2021)
Using a database of 30 million profiles, Zippia estimates demographics and statistics for Aerospace Engineers in the United States. Our estimates are verified against BLS, Census, and current job openings data for accuracy.
Soaring Through the Glass Ceiling Report (IAWA, 2020)
The study included aerospace original equipment manufacturers, airlines, airports, air navigation service providers, and aviation services providers. The objectives of the study were to identify the key inhibitors to the advancement of women in the industry and, even more importantly, to identify, document, and promote the key enablers, in order to overcome those inhibitors
How many space explorers are women? This infographic has the stats (, 2018)
It’s no secret that women are underrepresented in various sectors, from politics and banking to engineering and computing. But what about when it comes to space exploration?
The Space Economy in Figures: How Space Contributes to the Global Economy – Chapter 3. Remedying the gender gap in a dynamic space sector (OECD, 2017)
This chapter provides a brief overview of employment in the space sector. It also presents one of the first exercises at the international level to produce indicators to evaluate the space sector from a gender perspective. It provides exploratory indicators on government space agencies, higher education institutions and the private sector as well as female tertiary education enrolment and graduation statistics in space-related fields.
European Institute for Gender Equality’s Gender Statistics Database
The Database is a comprehensive knowledge centre for gender statistics and information on various aspects of (in)equalities between women and men.
Programs & Initiatives
Space4Women is a project of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) to promote women’s empowerment in space.
Space Generation Advisory Council’s One Giant Leap
This Project Group works on the topics of diversity, inclusion and equality within the aerospace sector.
The SPACE GIRLS SPACE WOMEN exhibition by SIPA PRESS aims at showcasing the broad range of opportunities in the space sector with portraits by female reporters of women with their heads in the stars, passionate about space, and contributing to the space adventure with their daily work.
WIA-E White Papers
Skills Gap in the Aerospace Sector (Women In Aerospace – Europe, 2021)
STEM Education In Europe (Women In Aerospace – Europe, 2021)
Women in the C-Suite (Women In Aerospace – Europe, 2021)
I can’t remember feeling as excited about the future’: redesigning space travel for women (The Guardian, 2021)
Ladies who launch: Women are powering the private space industry (Fortune, 2021)
Is gender still holding women back in the aviation industry? (Aerosociety, 2020)
Research Papers
Yother, Tracy L.; Lucietto, Anne M.; Umberger, Geanie; and Johnson, Mary E., 2021. Women and BIPOC in Aerospace: Where Did They Come From and How Did They Get Here? School of Engineering, Education Faculty Publications. Paper 67.
Piccialli, A., Rathbun, J.A., Levasseur-Regourd, A.C., Määttänen, A., Milillo, A., Rengel, M., Rotundi, A., Taylor, M., Witasse, O., Altieri, F. and Drossart, P., 2020. Participation of women scientists in ESA solar system missions: a historical trend. Advances in Geosciences, 53, pp.169-182.
Lovell, B.D., 2021. Sex and the Stars: The Enduring Structure of Gender Discrimination in the Space Industry. Journal of Feminist Scholarship, 18(18), pp.61-77.
Soares, J. and Costa, A., 2019. Increasing the Participation of Women in Aerospace–A review. In 8TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE FOR AERONAUTICS AND SPACE SCIENCES (EUCASS).
Lopes, A., Durbin, S., Neugebauer, J. and Warren, S., 2015. Mentoring professional women in aviation and aerospace. CESR Review.
Mark, S., Scott, G.B., Donoviel, D.B., Leveton, L.B., Mahoney, E., Charles, J.B. and Siegel, B., 2014. The impact of sex and gender on adaptation to space: executive summary. Journal of women’s health, 23(11), pp.941-947.
Orr, M.K., Ramirez, N.M., Lord, S.M., Layton, R.A. and Ohland, M.W., 2015. Student choice and persistence in Aerospace Engineering. Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, 12(4), pp.365-373.
Gandhi, S., 2009. Gender equality within the aerospace and defense industry. Pepperdine University.
Stewart, P., Danford, A., Richardson, M. and Pulignano, V., 2010. Workers’ experiences of skill, training and participation in lean and high performance workplaces in Britain and Italy. Employee Relations.
Barnet‐Verzat, C. and Wolff, F.C., 2008. Gender wage gap and the glass ceiling effect: a firm‐level investigation. International Journal of Manpower.
Hecht, L.F., Pinelli, T.E., Barclay, R.O. and Kennedy, J.M., 1995. Becoming an Aerospace Engineer: A Cross‐Gender Comparison. Journal of Engineering Education, 84(3), pp.263-270.