Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth



Talks and workshops for the International Day of Women and Girls in Science On the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the association Women In Aerospace Europe (WIA-E Barcelona) , with the support of the Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya ( IEEC ), has organized a family […]


WIA-Europe Barcelona: Celebrem l’espai! / Let’s celebrate the space!

As every year, the WIA-Europe Barcelona team organises a closing event to unite individuals dedicated and passionate about the space sector. This year has been filled with tremendous effort from our team, and we are excited to celebrate and share our achievements with all of you! At this event, we will review the goals accomplished

WIA-Europe Barcelona: Celebrem l’espai! / Let’s celebrate the space! Read More »

Entre galàxies: A new podcast from WIA-E Barcelona

El nou podcast de WIA-E Barcelona acostarà el sector a un ampli ventall de públic. Les converses amb diferents persones del món aeroespacial ens permetran explorar vàries perspectives per mostrar, així, com les referents es poden trobar molt més aprop del que pensem. Els dos primers podcasts són: Les dones que parlen amb els satèl·lits

Entre galàxies: A new podcast from WIA-E Barcelona Read More »

WIA-E Barcelona: “How do gases behave in microgravity?” #Women4Space Conference with Ioana El Kraye Ziade

Ioana El Kraye Ziade is currently a Master’s Student of Aerospace Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) who loves experimenting, designing and building devices from scratch. During her Bachelor Thesis, she worked on controlling a drone using neural networks. Currently, she works in an exciting ESA Academy project to investigate whether the properties

WIA-E Barcelona: “How do gases behave in microgravity?” #Women4Space Conference with Ioana El Kraye Ziade Read More »

WIA-E Barcelona Symposium: Space In Our Life

The event consists on a presential symposium that will take place at the Manresa Technology Museum, in Catalonia, on April 30, from 11:30 to 13:30 (CET). During the symposium, 3 different workshops and a “Round Table” talk and debate will be conducted. In the Round Table, 3 different speakers, researchers and professionals on the space

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The Ingenuity (In)Visible by Núria Salán

“The Ingenuity (In)Visible” In this talk we would like to give visibility to the unknown scientific and technological discoveries made by woman, which has been camouflaged in mainstream history. While some male science celebrities has had really good visibility on google, woman who has made amazing contributions to our society and technology are not so

The Ingenuity (In)Visible by Núria Salán Read More »

Aerospace sector as a professional opportunity

Join Women in Aerospace – Europe Barcelona on February 21 from 18:30-19:30 (CET) Aerospace sector as a professional opportunity with the mentors: Cristina Chamorro, Carlos Ferraz, Noelia Sánchez. Cristina will share her experience as a support engineer in the Eurofighter program, the most modern combat aircraft. Carlos is going to share his experience as an

Aerospace sector as a professional opportunity Read More »

Mars, Oman and Moon Diary, space exploration in essay film by Vanessa del Campo Gatell

Vanessa del Campo is a Spanish film director based in Belgium, where she is currently pursuing a PhD in the Arts, focusing on filmmaking, at the Royal Institute for Theatre, Cinema and Sound at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Her research topic is “Female voices and dominant science narratives in essay film”. Her last short documentary

Mars, Oman and Moon Diary, space exploration in essay film by Vanessa del Campo Gatell Read More »

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