Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

Board Members

Anna Gregorio

Treasurer of Women In Aerospace Europe Anna Gregorio has a Laurea (from the University of  Trieste) & Ph.D. (Scuola Normale Pisa) in Physics, and a Master in Space Systems Engineering (TU Delft). Professor of Astrophysics at the University of Trieste, coordinating the instrument teams of large scientific space missions (Planck, Euclid) of the European Space […]

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Nicolas Peter

Director of Corporate and Partnership Nicolas Peter is the Policy Liaison Officer in the Policy and Programme Coordination Department of the European Space Agency (ESA). Before that, he was Head of International Relations at the German Aerospace Centre (DLR, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt), one of the largest research organisations in Europe. Mr. Peter

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Elizabeth Seward

Elizabeth Seward has over 15 years of experience in the space industry and is a Senior Strategist for the Space Systems division of Airbus Defence and Space, responsible for the UK strategy across all areas of satellite manufacturing. Previous roles include leading the Earth Observation, Navigation and Science marketing team, thermal engineering and mission systems

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Christina Giannopapa

Chair of the Board Dr. Christina Giannopapa is the Head of the Office of the Executive Director of the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA). Before that, she was advisor to the Secretary General of Telecommunications and Post of the Ministry of Digital Governance in Greece, seconded from the European Space Agency (ESA).

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Paola Belingheri

Director of Research Paola Belingheri grew up in an international environment. She holds a Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Bologna, where she also received a scholarship through the university’s Honours Programme. Previously, she worked in various roles, including supporting technology transfer from space at the European Space Incubator in Noordwijk, participating

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Diana Pueyo

Diana Pueyo is our Director for Regional Development since 2013. In this role, she supports the creation and operations of local groups all over Europe. She launched the local group of Munich and lead the group until 2013. She created and is now the Head of the Procurement Department at Thales Alenia Space in Spain.

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Marc Heppener

Marc Heppener studied physical chemistry at the University of Amsterdam and obtained his PhD in 1986 on time-resolved molecular dissociation processes. In 1986 he joined the Space Research Organisation of the Netherlands (SRON) as project leader X-ray detector development. In 1989 he joined the SRON management, taking up the position of programme manager external research.

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Luisella Giulicchi

President of Women in Aerospace Europe (WIA-Europe) Luisella Giulicchi is System Manager at the European Space Agency (ESA), Netherlands, for the Copernicus Sentinel-6 mission: measuring sea level change. Project of the European Commission in cooperation with ESA, EUMETSAT, NASA, French Space Agency CNES, and NOAA. Copernicus is the largest operational Earth observation programme from Space

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