Board Member
Executive Committee

Christiane Lechtenboerger
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Board Members
Christiane Lechtenboerger studied Geography and obtained her PhD in Remote Sensing. Since 2013 she is senior policy officer at the DLR German Aerospace Centre, policy unit of the…

Christina Giannopapa
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Board Members
Christina Giannopapa is a senior advisor in the Department for Relations with Member States in the Cabinet of the Director General of the European Space Agency (ESA) in…

Paola Belingheri
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Board Members
Paola Belingheri grew up in an international environment. She has obtained a Masters degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Bologna and a Scholarship from the university…

Fiorella Coliolo
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Board Members
Fiorella Coliolo is an astrophysicist by training with strong experience in communication and public relations. She joined ESA Communication Department as Young Graduate Trainee in 2003, and created…

Diana Pueyo
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Board Members
Diana Pueyo is our Director for Regional Development since 2013. In this role, she supports the creation and operations of local groups all over Europe. She launched the…

Barbara Imhof
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Board Members
Barbara Imhof is a space architect, researcher and radio-journalist. She is also the co-founder and co-manager of LIQUIFER Systems Group (LSG). LSG comprises experts from the fields of…

Marc Heppener
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Board Members
Marc Heppener studied physical chemistry at the University of Amsterdam and obtained his PhD in 1986 on time-resolved molecular dissociation processes. In 1986 he joined the Space Research…

Luisella Giulicchi
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Board Members
Luisella Giulicchi graduated with honors in Electronics Engineering from the University of Florence in Italy and has a second Masters degree in Space System Engineering from the University of…
Honorary Board

Other Honorary Members
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Honorary Board Members
Ms. Maria Stella Gelmini (2010) Ms. Edelgard Buhlman (2011) Ms. Gerda Horneck (2012) Mr. Jean-Francois Clervoy (2013) Ms. Patrizia Caraveo (2014) Ms. Jocelyne Landeau-Constantin (2015) Ms. Candace Johnson…

Claudia Kessler
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Honorary Board Members
Claudia Kessler has more than 20 years’ experience of working in the space industry. After graduating as an aerospace engineer, she started her career as Assistant to the…

Simonetta Di Pippo
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Honorary Board Members
Simonetta Di Pippo, Master degree in Astrophysics and Space Physics at the University “La Sapienza” in Rome, Italy in 1984, joined the Italian Space Agency (ASI) in 1986….
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Board Members